Well, today marks six months out from my bypass surgery.
It feels like both a long time and hardly no time at all. Paradox much? But it’s true. I’ve been busy with life, so the days have gone by very fast. At the same time,June was so long ago that it’s coming back around again. I’m at the half way mark, so to speak.
I’ve learned so much and yet still have so much to learn.
We’ll start with today’s mug shots and stats.
Current Weight: 162.6 lbs.
Surgery Weight: 238.8 lbs
Highest Weight: 248-55ish
Goal Weight: 140-150
This makes for a grand total of 76.2 lost.
As I predicted, I have started to see some slow down in the losing department. I’m still losing, just not as much. Also, I have been going through periods of about 2 weeks where I stay at the same weight, give or take a decimal point. And then one day, I’ll start losing again, for about a week. Then the cycle repeats.
I did have my follow-up with the surgeon and nutritionist last week and was told that this normal because I’m nearing a healthy weight and don’t have as much excess to lose.
However, I have suspected that I was losing inches instead, and and had my suspicions confirmed this past Saturday.
In the above pictures, I am trying on size 14 jeans (the ones on the bottom row are Skinny Jeans, too) from Walmart, and weighing a size Large shirt that was given to me a couple months ago by my aunt.
Two weeks ago, I could not wear that shirt. It’s a little form fitting now, but not tight-tight.
The 14-jeans are also form-fitting.
Just based off how I’ve been going recently, they should be comfortable to wear by the end of January.
Which is good because the 18s and 16s I have been wearing are getting a little too loose.
Things to make note of this month…
My feet have arches now. I don’t know when that happened, but it did. I’ve had to start wearing arch supports because otherwise, I get pain in my feet. Especially if i exercise with a lot of walking.
My bowel movements have suddenly become regular. I can’t honestly remember the last time I was regular. What I’m used to is going a week to a week and a half without a bowel movement, and then having one day (sometimes two) where all I do is poop. Like my body was storing it up and then getting ride of it once I couldn’t possibly hold any more. This accompanied with bloating, abdominal cramps, and painful movements. Now? On movement a day, at least five days out of the week. Regular. It’s a weird feeling.
(And yes, readers, weight loss patients talk about poop. We think about poop. A lot. )
On the Hair Loss front, I haven’t lost as much (yet) as I thought I would. I’ve been taking all my vitamins, biotin twice a day, and making sure I get more than the minimum of my required protein. But I do think it looks thinner than it used to be.
Random pics now…

Looking good, Deb and congrats on the job well done. Yes, we do think / talk a LOT about poop! LOL
It’s crazy but there are so many conversations about poop on the FB support groups! We’re nuts, I guess.
Way to go, Deb! You’re looking great!
you’re doing really well!